Tag Class Build

John Barrymore April 10, 2024 3 minutes
Wowhead is hiring guide writers for their Diablo 4 site! This paid freelance opportunity offers competitive rates and the chance to create new content and update existing pages. They are specifically looking for a talented Rogue writer and theorycrafter to expand their team.
John Barrymore December 09, 2023 2 minutes
This blog post offers tips for accessing and progressing through the Abattoir of Zir in an efficient manner. It suggests methods for helping friends who are not eligible to enter and provides insights on how to save time by unlocking recipe tiers. The post also highlights the achievements and rewards that can be earned by reaching higher tiers.
John Barrymore December 08, 2023 2 minutes
Blizzard has announced upcoming changes to the Abattoir of Zir in response to player feedback. These changes include adjusting glyph experience rewards, disabling problematic affixes, and scaling the difficulty of earlier tiers. The hotfix is expected to be implemented tomorrow on December 8th.